The innovators of real time localization systems!

We are a team of 30+ dedicated people who bring the technology 4.0 revolution to life!
With extensive experience in software and hardware development we focus our everyday efforts on delivering state-of-the-art indoor localization technology. Care to join us in that journey?

Sounds interesting?

IndoorNavi is…

A story of a team who brings change to the way people think of navigation…
A story of people who challenge old paradigms and make future become present…
A story of individuals who combine their skills to become more than a sum of pieces…

IndoorNavi Lab

“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!” – Lewis Carroll “Through the Looking-Glass”

We keep on top of the technological wave by always paying close attention and dedicate resources to innovation. Our strong academic background and great experience allows us to invent new things and then make them reality.

Building from ground up

“At its heart, engineering is about using science to find creative, practical solutions. It is a noble profession.” – Queen Elizabeth II

In a digital world you need someone to actually design, build and ship a product. It is easy to forget about the hardware infrastructure that surrounds us, especially when it is working properly. We put our hearts to design from ground up, test and ship world class localization system.

In-door made software

“You can mass-produce hardware; you cannot mass-produce software; you cannot mass-produce the human mind.” – Michio Kaku

We provide best utility of our hardware by developing and delivering dedicated software solutions. The experience and background of our team helps us develop intuitive, reliable and highly valuable software.


Development driven by research

From the very beginning of our journey with localization technology we were always heavily invested in research. Thanks to collaboration with Gdańsk University of Technology we were always able to keep ahead with academia and market trends.

We have expertise in working with all the wireless communication and indoor localization technologies.


Power efficient solution with not the best accurancy of measurments and lack of fluid communication.


Reliable technology which offers precise measurments as well as low power consumption.


High demand of energy combined with low precision of measurments makes Wi-Fi better for wireless networks than indoor navigation.


It lacks a functionalities which offer real time indoor location services and communication capabilities. So using RFID for indoor navigation is not the best idea.


Less accurate than UWB but more expensive. ZigBee is better in Smart Home solutions than indoor navigation.

Maximize the impact
of collected data

The amount of data gathered from localization hardware is valuable source for us and for our customers. This data provide them with business inteligence which is the rocket-fuel of their business. That’s why IndoorNavi is not only about research, software and hardware it is also about a data. Big data.

The results: Reliable and Innovative indoor positioning system

The unique combination skills gathered behind IndoorNavi resulted in a complete solution fit for your needs. We provide you with reliable and efficient hardware, intuitive and easy to use interface and help to manage and investigate the information gathered. IndoorNavi is your way to bring future here today.

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